Hey ladies,
In today's world, it seems it has become a greater aspiration for women (of all ages) to acquire the "ideal" body. Nice toned legs, flat abs, and a cute perky butt. With challenges like the 30 day squat challenge, the question is.. is it effective?
In today's world, it seems it has become a greater aspiration for women (of all ages) to acquire the "ideal" body. Nice toned legs, flat abs, and a cute perky butt. With challenges like the 30 day squat challenge, the question is.. is it effective?
I did start this challenge about a week ago, but I wasn't following the guide. I thought that you just go up by 5 squats every 3 days, but I was wrong. So I'm going to begin to start this over again starting tomorrow. With challenges like this, it's best to start off the beginning of the month, but if you keep pushing it off, odds are you aren't going to start it. In the hopes of having more toned legs and a cute butt, I will be starting this challenge to see just how effective it really is. For personal reasons, I won't show any before and after pictures, but I will give you guys my honest opinion and keep up with weekly updates. I challenge you to take this challenge with me. Keep me posted by leaving comments down below or tweet me! I'd love to see how you're progressing. From one beauty lover to another, see you soon!