
White Space

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hey everyone, 

In today's blog post I'm going to be sharing with you an up and coming design company called White Space. White Space was created by one of my good friends and her boyfriend. They were awesome enough to design the header on my page for my and do my signature as well. While they are up and coming, their talent is nonetheless and only getting better by the days. 

They were wonderful to work with on a business aspect. The listened to exactly what I wanted in a header. Something simplistic, yet enough to grab your eye. So not only did they did create a header for me, but they gave me different options that I could choose from and sent me all the files for them so I can have them if I want to change it. They were also kind enough to see that my signature didn't match with my layout, so they created something simple but again eye catching. The process didn't take long and their business etiquette was equally  professional. I have a quote from the company explaining the idea behind their company and why they wanted to get into the business. 

"In a nutshell whitespace is an agency that create relationships between clients and their target audiences. Those relationships will in return feed the business. With a collective 20+ years of experience we have come to believe that after creating the relationship you must then feed the relationship. Whitespace does this by getting peoples attention by targeting large audiences with a creative message that is very provocative in order to set the stage for a really intimate conversation which then leads to an ongoing relationship between the client and their target audiences. Whitespace does not just create logos, flyers, media kits, ETC,. We are not right-handed or left-handed, we are an ambidextrous entity that uses both hands, and a number of other appendages.
We want to ignore the rules, explore, and do what ever the hell we want; Now who's gonna be the Medici family and stand up and let us create more." 

I recommend that if you're looking for a nice header or anything graphic design related, a new layout maybe, to consult with them. You can go to connect with them here. If you want to check them out Twitter and Tumblr, you can go here and here. P.S. They created the picture just for this blog post! Isn't that awesome. Definitely check them out.

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